Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Sheridan Nurseries - getting ready for the holidays

I recently attended a couple of great events at Sheridan Nurseries - A ladies night Out where myself and a colleague of mine, Deb Darlington offered complimentary design & decorating consultations to the ladies in attendance.  It was a lot of fun since I never seem to tire of coming up with solutions and creative decor ideas. Our little space below with the paint and tile samples we brought to assist people

The 2nd evening was a wonderful night to say thank you to those who frequent Sheridan Nurseries, for our support throughout the year.  We were treated to great food and beverages as well as inspiring demonstrations on creating holiday containers.  Of course there were draws and lucky winners went home with the completed urns and other gifts.  We were all given a bag with great gardening information so we can plan for summer, as well as our choice of poinsettia or floral arrangement.

Beautiful decor ideas


Above photos courtesy of my colleague Deb Darlington
Beautiful Themed Christmas Trees


Old World
North Pole

Monday, December 10, 2012

Christmas Decorating at My Home....

It all starts at the Entrance....

This year I decided to add some of the warm copper colour that is so popular and looks nice with the greenery and silver touches.  A little snow would make it look much better...

How to Make a Christmas Indoor Planter

It's that time of year and I am busy getting ready for some celebrating with family and friends.  One of my favourite things is to decorate the house for the holidays and I thought I would share this planter I made this year which can be placed on a kitchen island, counter or a console table....

Start with a rectangular container.  This one is a lightweight stone 
composite but anything in this shape will work fine.                        
  Add the greenery
 Add three Red Amaryllis
 Start to 'create' using berry picks, apples, pears and birch tree branches (from fallen dead trees)

 The finished product

Here is another simple decor idea that could be placed on the back of the toilet tank; on a slim ledge or anywhere you would like a little festive touch...

Start with a glass container (this one from Crate & Barrel);; add some river stones, green moss, moss balls and some wooden cranberries.  If desired, you can also add some 'battery" tea lights

p.s.  my photography skills are not so great but you get the idea.  Have fun creating and watch for more DIY's!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

I love Christmas.....

I know we live in a time where all "Holiday" celebrations seem to fall under the umbrella of "Holidays" which is fine, but I celebrate Christmas and,  of course it is a religious day, but it is also a time for fun, friends, family, great food, gifts, and DECORATING.  I have enough Christmas decorations stored in my basement that I could have a little store.  I am trying to control my purchases in this area but not too successfully.  I know one should 'purge' something when bringing a little something new into the house but I am not so good at that when it comes to Christmas.  Other times, I do well at purging but definitely not Christmas.

Over the past couple of years I have decided to take photos of some of my Christmas Decorating ideas just so I can look back and see what I have done and how I have changed or progressed.  I have written articles on Christmas Decorating for a local newspaper and recently myself and 2 colleagues did a demo at Sheridan Nurseries for a Holiday Centrepiece where we took one tray and decorated it 3 different ways depending on your personal taste and style.  I usually keep a general theme and colour scheme going but do vary a little depending on the room.  Below are some of my past years of decorating.  I have many new ones for this year so stay tuned and I may get them photographed in time to post this year.  I made a little video rather than post tons of photos.....

Monday, April 23, 2012

The Big Apple At Christmas Time.....

I am a child at heart.  I have always wanted to be in New York City for the annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, ice skate in the park and be among the shoppers just for the experience.  I got that chance and would you believe they were having a heat wave.  No kidding, we were just wearing light weight jackets and sweaters.  It was downright balmy.  It didn't take away from the spirit though, only the ice was a little watery.  Can you imagine sipping a coffee, sitting outside in Bryant Park with all the Christmas Decorations up and just wearing a sweater.
I got to visit all the wonderful places and of course the big toy store that every kid wants to see.
 Sitting in Bryant Park having a coffee
Some of the Decor in Bryant Park
Hard to believe this was the end of November
The famous F.A.O. Schwarz Emporium

The Famous Glass Apple Building
Macy's Parade with all the huge balloons heading down Broadway

Grand Central Station 
 Central Park

 The big Tree