It's the buzz phrase going around this summer. I figured I had better get going on my Fifty Shades, and I will definitely be hitting the bedroom, however not quite the same E.L. James, haha.....
fooled ya !!

I have always loved gray/grey. I remember I painted a Dining Room in one of my houses back a very long while ago in a fairly dark gray and it really had a warm and dramatic look. Well, not everyone sees colour the same way, and my sister-in-law, who never claimed to have any decorating sense, came to visit and asked
'when are you going to do something with that horrible room'. The former owners had really bad taste!! (in her opinion) Well I wasn't so confident back then in my decorating skills, but I knew I loved it and I was quite sure it didn't look horrible. A few years later when we sold the house and made a pot of cash, the comments received were extremely positive about the decor, especially the 'grey room'. Guess she really didn't know much about decorating but she did became a very successful & famous attorney. Now on to my '50 Shades'............. and the best is at the end!!!

All are gorgeous but my absolute favourite Shades of Grey are....
One of my former Kitties 'Chloe' My Grandson Orson